Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Here Are Some of My Favorites From My Last Shoot at the Monolith of Redding, California

Thank you guys so very much for letting me build my portfolio and getting to work with such a sweet family!  I loved meeting your family and look forward to another photo shoot one day.  It was fun to try something new at the Monolith here in Redding, California.  Also, thank you so much for the gift cards and crazy nice things you have written me about my photography...seriously made my day!

If anybody who happens upon this little blog of mine is interested in a FREE session with me, please email me at jamiesolorio@hotmail.com.  As a thank you for letting me practice and build my portfolio I am offering 5 full resolution edited images on a disc for you to print. Then around 20 edited web sized proofs for you to share via email, facebook, or however you like on the Internet.  Out of those 20 edited images, if you see any that you would like to have printed, I will be able to do so via a professional lab service for a discounted rate.  I am in the mist of creating a price sheet for prints currently, but will soon hopefully have them posted under my "sessions" tab at the top of the blog.  I am selling the prints at a discounted price at the time so that I can become familiar with the different professional labs and learn the print side of the photography business.

Thanks for taking the time to look at some of my photography and this ADORABLE family who was so fun to hang around one sunny late afternoon.   :)